Wearables and the implications for brand marketing




Last week, I had the pleasure of joining Max Minzer, a digital marketing and local search consultant and guests; Tim Moore, a Wearable Technologist at VentureGlass, and John Nosta, a Forbes contributor and leading digital health writer on a Hangout.

The topic was wearbles and brand marketing as you can atest below and certainly Google Glass featured most prominently.

Before the video however, allow me to highlight a few charts that serve as food for thought for marketers.

The following chart from Forrester Research (reproduced with permission from Ben Grossman) shows what consumers are expecting from a device like Glass  – which pretty much matches the off the shelf functionality it currently offers.

forrester Google_Glass

This chart using data from Google Trends for USA (blue), Spain (red) and UK (yellow), displays how in the last week alone, search query volumes for Google Glass in Spain, for the first time since last year when Glass was released, eclipsed even that of USA.

EN trends598

Crown Prince Felipe of Spain wearing Google Glass

Crown Prince Felipe of Spain wearing Google Glass – image: EFE Press

The explanation is most likely due to the Google Glass Fitur effect.

Crown prince Philip of Spain wore Glass last week opening Fitur as did other high profile ministers at the tourist trade fair and each time Google Glass makes an event or brand appearance, it is clear the device has immense pulling power.

There is an undeniable interest for Google Glass.

What will that mean for marketers and brand marketing?

Will Glassware (that is apps made for Google Glass) become part of the marketers branding arsenal?

Will consumers expect certain brands to offer Glassware as par for the course, just like today they expect Apps for mobiles?

Will utility and context rule the day and foster brand loyalty if brands oblige without resorting to an interruptive promotional mentality?

Here’s the #maximpact Hangout

Let me know your thoughts in the comments or hit me on twitter or Google Plus.

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